Help Support our vision of truly connecting our communities with a shoreline trail.
Support Your Local Trail & Connect Communities
The Friends of the Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail succeeded in their capital campaign to help purchase property in the corridor. We raised the needed $400,000 purchase price thanks to the support of hundreds of donors and private foundations. The Friends will continue to be the stewards of the trail and to work to continue the trail northward into the city of Kootenai. Future hopes for the trail include an underpass into Ponderay, interpretive signage along the trail and a new trailhead in Kootenai. To help with these projects you can make a donation, or volunteer to help with fundraising or trail work. To volunteer, contact us at
You can make a donation on-line (“Donate” button) or by sending a check to:
Friends of the Pend d’Oreiller Bay Trail
P.O. Box 1607
Sandpoint, ID 83864
The dream that is the Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail contains both opportunities for the citizens of Sandpoint, Ponderay, Kootenai, and Bonner County as well as challenges to be met over the years ahead.
Give Us A Follow!
Help support our vision of truly connecting our communities with a shoreline trail.
Thank You Sponsors

Winter Ridge Natural Foods – evergreen realty – kochava – Midweek Milers – macdonald law
Powder hound – Ponderay rotary club – waterfront property management
Sandpoint Super Drug – The Shed – Pend d’Oreille Winery