$75,000 grant from the Cloudsledge Conservation Trust-2012
The Friends of the Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail have earned another big grant, bring the group well past the halfway point of its $400,000 goal. Click for full story.
The Friends of the Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail is $75,000 closer to achieving its goal-2012
The group won a challenge grant last week from the Equinox Foundation that stands to significantly boost their fundraising efforts. However, if members want to take full advantage of that money, they’ll need to raise another $75,000 of their own. Click for full story.
Fundraising is off to a good start-2012
The Friends of the Pend d’Oreille Bay Trail are off to a good start. As the group galvanizes to raise funds for the fourth parcel of the trail, scheduled for three years down the road, its efforts have already yielded more than $40,000 in donations. Meanwhile, members...
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